Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where has the time gone?

I have not blogged since January!! The first month of the year! And here it is December, the last month of the year. A ton has gone on since last post. Last post we announced we were expecting.

Sarah Eden was born on July 29, 2010. She weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. 20.25 in long. She is absolutely beautiful! She is adored by her big brother and big sister! She is a mommy's girl at the moment, but daddy says that will change.

Gabe turned 5 April 22nd and in August we started homeschooling. It is going great! We joined Agape Academy. Gabe is doing awesome! His favorite subject is math. He loves to memorize his Bible verses. He has the biggest imagination! He loves to play superhero and he gets us all involved.

Hannah turned 2 August 13th. She is doing great! Therapy is awesome! She got new therapists this past summer and she started speech therapy along with everything else. She still has her daddy wrapped around her little finger, she always will. She is definitely going through the "terrible two's". She is very vocal about things and will throw a tantrum at the smallest things!

David and I both turned 30 this year. I still don't feel old, am I supposed to? David is still the most amazing man of God. We celebrated 8 years of marriage on November 23. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in this upcoming year!

I have turned my sewing hobby into something. I have started making and selling key fobs and applique shirts. It's been pretty fun so far. :) I will soon be setting up a website to get the word out. If you would like anything let me know!

We are praying about several things, including adoption. We want a big family and we believe God is calling us to adopt. We have prayed and talked and prayed some more. We hope to adopt within the next year or two. We've been talking about the possibility of adopting a baby boy or a toddler. Gabe wants a brother he can play with now. David said a few weeks ago he thinks our next child will be adopted and he will be about 2 or 3 years old. We don't know who God has chosen as our son, but we pray we get to meet him soon.

Most everyone knows my heart for Africa. I believe that is where our son is. We have been praying for so long and we will continue to pray on this. I ask that you please pray with us. Pray for guidance and discernment.

We are also praying about doing some mission work in 2011. We are wanting to take the whole family with us. I know that sounds a little crazy, taking a 5 year old, a 2 year old and an infant on an international trip, but that's what we hope to do. We want them to be able to be blessed with sharing God's love to others also.

Our God is an awesome God! Look forward to some more amazing things soon! :)

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns." Isaiah 52:7 ESV